PC World Komputer 2010 April
eM CLient 2.0.5952.0 Beta
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Text File
2,814 lines
// {{MadCap}} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Copyright: MadCap Software, Inc - www.madcapsoftware.com ////////////////////
// <version></version>
var gLoaded = false;
var gOnloadFuncs = new Array();
var gPreviousOnloadFunction = window.onload;
var gReady = false;
if ( gPreviousOnloadFunction != null )
gOnloadFuncs.push( gPreviousOnloadFunction );
window.onload = function()
gReady = true;
FMCRegisterCallback( "MCGlobals", MCEventType.OnInit, OnMCGlobalsInit, null );
function OnMCGlobalsInit( args )
gLoaded = true;
for ( var i = 0; i < gOnloadFuncs.length; i++ )
var MCGlobals = new function()
// Private member variables
var mSelf = this;
// Public properties
this.SubsystemFile = "Manual.xml";
this.SkinFolder = "Data/SkinDefault/";
this.SkinTemplateFolder = "Skin/";
this.DefaultStartTopic = "Welcome.htm";
this.Initialized = false;
this.RootFolder = null;
this.RootFrame = null;
this.ToolbarFrame = null;
this.BodyFrame = null;
this.NavigationFrame = null;
this.TopicCommentsFrame = null;
this.BodyCommentsFrame = null;
this.PersistenceFrame = null;
// Private methods
function InitRoot()
mSelf.RootFrame = window;
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = frames["mctoolbar"];
mSelf.BodyFrame = frames["body"];
mSelf.NavigationFrame = frames["navigation"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
var bodyReady = false;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Navigation", MCEventType.OnReady, OnNavigationReady, null );
function OnNavigationReady( args )
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = mSelf.NavigationFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
if ( bodyReady )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Body", MCEventType.OnReady, OnBodyReady, null );
function OnBodyReady( args )
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
bodyReady = true;
if ( mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame != null )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitTopicCHM()
mSelf.RootFrame = null;
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = frames["mctoolbar"];
mSelf.BodyFrame = window;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = null;
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = null;
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = frames["persistence"];
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitNavigation()
mSelf.RootFrame = parent;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = window;
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Root", MCEventType.OnReady, OnRootReady, null );
function OnRootReady( args )
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["mctoolbar"];
mSelf.BodyFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["body"];
FMCRegisterCallback( "Body", MCEventType.OnReady, OnBodyReady, null );
function OnBodyReady( args )
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitNavigationFramesWebHelp()
var bodyReady = false;
mSelf.RootFrame = parent.parent;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = parent;
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Root", MCEventType.OnReady, OnRootReady, null );
function OnRootReady( args )
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["mctoolbar"];
mSelf.BodyFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["body"];
FMCRegisterCallback( "Body", MCEventType.OnReady, OnBodyReady, null );
function OnBodyReady( args )
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
bodyReady = true;
if ( mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame != null )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Navigation", MCEventType.OnReady, OnNavigationReady, null );
function OnNavigationReady( args )
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = mSelf.NavigationFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
if ( bodyReady )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitBodyCommentsFrameWebHelp()
mSelf.RootFrame = parent.parent;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = parent.parent.frames["navigation"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = parent.parent.frames["mctoolbar"];
mSelf.BodyFrame = parent;
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = window;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Navigation", MCEventType.OnReady, OnNavigationReady, null );
function OnNavigationReady( args )
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = mSelf.NavigationFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitBodyCommentsFrameDotNetHelp()
mSelf.RootFrame = null;
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = null;
mSelf.BodyFrame = parent;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = null;
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = null;
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = window;
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitToolbarWebHelp()
mSelf.RootFrame = parent;
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = window;
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Root", MCEventType.OnReady, OnRootReady, null );
function OnRootReady( args )
mSelf.BodyFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["body"];
mSelf.NavigationFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["navigation"];
var bodyReady = false;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Navigation", MCEventType.OnReady, OnNavigationReady, null );
function OnNavigationReady( args )
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = mSelf.NavigationFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
if ( bodyReady )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Body", MCEventType.OnReady, OnBodyReady, null );
function OnBodyReady( args )
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
bodyReady = true;
if ( mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame != null )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitToolbarCHM()
mSelf.RootFrame = null;
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = window;
mSelf.BodyFrame = parent;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = null;
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = null;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Body", MCEventType.OnReady, OnBodyReady, null );
function OnBodyReady( args )
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["persistence"];
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitTopicWebHelp()
mSelf.RootFrame = parent;
mSelf.BodyFrame = window;
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Root", MCEventType.OnReady, OnRootReady, null );
function OnRootReady( args )
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["mctoolbar"];
mSelf.NavigationFrame = mSelf.RootFrame.frames["navigation"];
FMCRegisterCallback( "Navigation", MCEventType.OnReady, OnNavigationReady, null );
function OnNavigationReady( args )
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = mSelf.NavigationFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitTopicDotNetHelp()
mSelf.RootFrame = null;
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = null;
mSelf.BodyFrame = window;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = null;
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = null;
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = null;
mSelf.Initialized = true;
function InitNavigationFramesCHM()
mSelf.RootFrame = null;
mSelf.BodyFrame = parent;
mSelf.NavigationFrame = null;
mSelf.TopicCommentsFrame = null;
FMCRegisterCallback( "Body", MCEventType.OnReady, OnBodyReady, null );
function OnBodyReady( args )
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["mctoolbar"];
mSelf.BodyCommentsFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["topiccomments"];
mSelf.PersistenceFrame = mSelf.BodyFrame.frames["persistence"];
mSelf.Initialized = true;
// Public methods
this.Init = function()
if ( FMCInPreviewMode() )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
if ( frames["mctoolbar"] != null ) // Root or topic in CHM
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = frames["mctoolbar"];
if ( frames["body"] != null ) // Root
else // Topic in CHM
else if ( window.name == "navigation" ) // Navigation
else if ( parent.name == "navigation" ) // Navigation frames in WebHelp
else if ( window.name == "mctoolbar" ) // Toolbar
mSelf.ToolbarFrame = window;
if ( parent.frames["navigation"] != null ) // Toolbar in WebHelp
else // Toolbar in CHM
else if ( window.name == "body" ) // Topic in WebHelp
if ( FMCIsWebHelp() )
else if ( FMCIsDotNetHelp() )
else if ( FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
else if ( window.name == "topiccomments" )
if ( parent.name != "body" )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
if ( FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
InitNavigationFramesCHM(); // Body comments frame in CHM
else if ( FMCIsWebHelp() )
InitBodyCommentsFrameWebHelp(); // Body comments frame in WebHelp body
else if ( FMCIsDotNetHelp() )
InitBodyCommentsFrameDotNetHelp(); // Body comments frame in DotNet Help body
else if ( window.name == "toc" ||
window.name == "index" ||
window.name == "search" ||
window.name == "glossary" ||
window.name == "favorites" ||
window.name == "browsesequences" ||
window.name == "recentcomments" ) // Navigation frames in CHM
else if ( FMCIsDotNetHelp() )
mSelf.Initialized = true;
mSelf.Initialized = true;
if ( FMCIsWebHelp() )
var rootFolder = mSelf.RootFrame.document.location.href.substring( 0, mSelf.RootFrame.document.location.href.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
var subFolder = document.location.href.substring( 0, document.location.href.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
if ( subFolder.StartsWith( rootFolder + "Subsystems", false ) )
var href = document.location.href;
var subPart = document.location.href.substring( (rootFolder + "Subsystems").length + 1 );
subPart = subPart.substring( 0, subPart.indexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
rootFolder = rootFolder + "Subsystems/" + subPart;
rootFolder = rootFolder.replace( /\\/g, "/" );
rootFolder = rootFolder.replace( /%20/g, " " );
rootFolder = rootFolder.replace( /;/g, "%3B" ); // For Safari
mSelf.RootFolder = rootFolder;
else if ( subFolder.StartsWith( rootFolder + "AutoMerge", false ) )
var href = document.location.href;
var subPart = document.location.href.substring( (rootFolder + "AutoMerge").length + 1 );
subPart = subPart.substring( 0, subPart.indexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
rootFolder = rootFolder + "AutoMerge/" + subPart;
rootFolder = rootFolder.replace( /\\/g, "/" );
rootFolder = rootFolder.replace( /%20/g, " " );
rootFolder = rootFolder.replace( /;/g, "%3B" ); // For Safari
mSelf.RootFolder = rootFolder;
mSelf.RootFolder = FMCGetRootFolder( mSelf.RootFrame.document.location );
else if ( FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
mSelf.RootFolder = "/";
else if ( FMCIsDotNetHelp() )
var rootFolder = FMCGetRootFolder( mSelf.BodyFrame.document.location );
mSelf.RootFolder = rootFolder.substring( 0, rootFolder.lastIndexOf( "/", rootFolder.length - 2 ) + 1 );
// Helper functions
var gImages = new Array();
function FMCIsWebHelp()
return FMCGetRootFrame() != null;
function FMCIsHtmlHelp()
var href = document.location.href;
return href.indexOf( "mk:" ) == 0;
function FMCIsDotNetHelp()
return FMCGetRootFrame() == null && !FMCIsHtmlHelp();
function FMCIsTopicPopup()
return window.parent != window && window.parent.name == "body";
var gLiveHelpEnabled = null;
function FMCIsLiveHelpEnabled()
if ( gLiveHelpEnabled == null )
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc( MCGlobals.RootFolder + MCGlobals.SubsystemFile, false, null, null );
if ( xmlDoc == null )
gLiveHelpEnabled = false;
var projectID = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute( "LiveHelpOutputId" );
gLiveHelpEnabled = projectID != null;
return gLiveHelpEnabled;
function FMCInPreviewMode()
return FMCGetRootFrame() == null && !FMCIsHtmlHelp();
var gSkinPreviewMode = null;
function FMCIsSkinPreviewMode()
if ( gSkinPreviewMode == null )
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc( MCGlobals.RootFolder + MCGlobals.SubsystemFile, false, null, null );
if ( xmlDoc == null )
gSkinPreviewMode = false;
gSkinPreviewMode = FMCGetAttributeBool( xmlDoc.documentElement, "SkinPreviewMode", false );
return gSkinPreviewMode;
function FMCIsIE55()
return navigator.appVersion.indexOf( "MSIE 5.5" ) != -1;
function FMCIsSafari()
return typeof( document.clientHeight ) != "undefined";
function FMCGetSkinFolder()
var skinFolder = null;
if ( MCGlobals.RootFrame != null )
skinFolder = MCGlobals.RootFrame.gSkinFolder;
skinFolder = MCGlobals.SkinFolder;
return skinFolder;
function FMCGetHref( currLocation )
var href = currLocation.protocol + (!FMCIsHtmlHelp() ? "//" : "") + currLocation.host + currLocation.pathname;
href = FMCEscapeHref( href );
return href;
function FMCEscapeHref( href )
var newHref = href.replace( /\\/g, "/" );
newHref = newHref.replace( /%20/g, " " );
newHref = newHref.replace( /;/g, "%3B" ); // For Safari
return newHref;
function FMCGetRootFolder( currLocation )
var href = FMCGetHref( currLocation );
var rootFolder = href.substring( 0, href.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
return rootFolder;
function FMCGetPathnameFolder( currLocation )
var pathname = currLocation.pathname;
// This is for when viewing over a network. IE needs the path to be like this.
if ( currLocation.protocol.StartsWith( "file" ) )
if ( !currLocation.host.IsNullOrEmpty() )
pathname = "/" + currLocation.host + currLocation.pathname;
pathname = pathname.replace( /\\/g, "/" );
//pathname = pathname.replace( /%20/g, " " );
pathname = pathname.replace( /;/g, "%3B" ); // For Safari
pathname = pathname.substring( 0, pathname.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
return pathname;
function FMCGetRootFrame()
var currWindow = window;
while ( currWindow )
if ( currWindow.gRootFolder )
else if ( currWindow == top )
currWindow = null;
currWindow = currWindow.parent;
return currWindow;
function FMCPreloadImage( imgPath )
if ( imgPath == null )
if ( imgPath.StartsWith( "url", false ) && imgPath.EndsWith( ")", false ) )
imgPath = FMCStripCssUrl( imgPath );
var index = gImages.length;
gImages[index] = new Image();
gImages[index].src = imgPath;
function FMCTrim( str )
return FMCLTrim( FMCRTrim( str ) );
function FMCLTrim( str )
for ( var i = 0; i < str.length && str.charAt( i ) == " "; i++ );
return str.substring( i, str.length );
function FMCRTrim( str )
for ( var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0 && str.charAt( i ) == " "; i-- );
return str.substring( 0, i + 1 );
function FMCContainsClassRoot( className )
var ret = null;
for ( var i = 1; i < FMCContainsClassRoot.arguments.length; i++ )
var classRoot = arguments[i];
if ( className && (className == classRoot || className.indexOf( classRoot + "_" ) == 0) )
ret = classRoot;
return ret;
function FMCGetChildNodeByTagName( node, tagName, index )
var foundNode = null;
var numFound = -1;
for ( var currNode = node.firstChild; currNode != null; currNode = currNode.nextSibling )
if ( currNode.nodeName == tagName )
if ( numFound == index )
foundNode = currNode;
return foundNode;
function FMCGetChildNodesByTagName( node, tagName )
var nodes = new Array();
for ( var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ )
if ( node.childNodes[i].nodeName == tagName )
nodes[nodes.length] = node.childNodes[i];
return nodes;
function FMCStringToBool( stringValue )
var boolValue = false;
var stringValLower = stringValue.toLowerCase();
boolValue = stringValLower == "true" || stringValLower == "1" || stringValLower == "yes";
return boolValue;
function FMCGetAttributeBool( node, attributeName, defaultValue )
var boolValue = defaultValue;
var value = FMCGetAttribute( node, attributeName );
if ( value )
boolValue = FMCStringToBool( value );
return boolValue;
function FMCGetAttributeInt( node, attributeName, defaultValue )
var intValue = defaultValue;
var value = FMCGetAttribute( node, attributeName );
if ( value != null )
intValue = parseInt( value );
return intValue;
function FMCGetAttribute( node, attribute )
var value = null;
if ( node.getAttribute( attribute ) != null )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute );
else if ( node.getAttribute( attribute.toLowerCase() ) != null )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute.toLowerCase() );
var namespaceIndex = attribute.indexOf( ":" );
if ( namespaceIndex != -1 )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute.substring( namespaceIndex + 1, attribute.length ) );
if ( typeof( value ) == "string" && value == "" )
value = null;
return value;
function FMCGetMCAttribute( node, attribute )
var value = null;
if ( node.getAttribute( attribute ) != null )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute );
else if ( node.getAttribute( attribute.substring( "MadCap:".length, attribute.length ) ) )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute.substring( "MadCap:".length, attribute.length ) );
return value;
function FMCRemoveMCAttribute( node, attribute )
var value = null;
if ( node.getAttribute( attribute ) != null )
value = node.removeAttribute( attribute );
else if ( node.getAttribute( attribute.substring( "MadCap:".length, attribute.length ) ) )
value = node.removeAttribute( attribute.substring( "MadCap:".length, attribute.length ) );
return value;
function FMCGetClientWidth( winNode, includeScrollbars )
var clientWidth = null;
if ( typeof( winNode.innerWidth ) != "undefined" )
clientWidth = winNode.innerWidth;
if ( !includeScrollbars && FMCGetScrollHeight( winNode ) > winNode.innerHeight )
clientWidth -= 19;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
clientWidth = winNode.document.body.clientWidth;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
clientWidth = winNode.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
return clientWidth;
function FMCGetClientHeight( winNode, includeScrollbars )
var clientHeight = null;
if ( typeof( winNode.innerHeight ) != "undefined" )
clientHeight = winNode.innerHeight;
if ( !includeScrollbars && FMCGetScrollWidth( winNode ) > winNode.innerWidth )
clientHeight -= 19;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
clientHeight = winNode.document.body.clientHeight;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
clientHeight = winNode.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
return clientHeight;
function FMCGetClientCenter( winNode )
var centerX = FMCGetScrollLeft( winNode ) + (FMCGetClientWidth( winNode, false ) / 2);
var centerY = FMCGetScrollTop( winNode ) + (FMCGetClientHeight( winNode, false ) / 2);
return [centerX, centerY];
function FMCGetScrollHeight( winNode )
var scrollHeight = null;
if ( winNode.document.scrollHeight )
scrollHeight = winNode.document.scrollHeight;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
scrollHeight = winNode.document.body.scrollHeight;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
scrollHeight = winNode.document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
return scrollHeight;
function FMCGetScrollWidth( winNode )
var scrollWidth = null;
if ( winNode.document.scrollWidth )
scrollWidth = winNode.document.scrollWidth;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
scrollWidth = winNode.document.body.scrollWidth;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
scrollWidth = winNode.document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
return scrollWidth;
function FMCGetScrollTop( winNode )
var scrollTop = null;
if ( FMCIsSafari() )
scrollTop = winNode.document.body.scrollTop;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
scrollTop = winNode.document.body.scrollTop;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
scrollTop = winNode.document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return scrollTop;
function FMCSetScrollTop( winNode, value )
if ( FMCIsSafari() )
winNode.document.body.scrollTop = value;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
winNode.document.body.scrollTop = value;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
winNode.document.documentElement.scrollTop = value;
function FMCGetScrollLeft( winNode )
var scrollLeft = null;
if ( FMCIsSafari() )
scrollLeft = winNode.document.body.scrollLeft;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
scrollLeft = winNode.document.body.scrollLeft;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
scrollLeft = winNode.document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
return scrollLeft;
function FMCSetScrollLeft( winNode, value )
if ( FMCIsSafari() )
winNode.document.body.scrollLeft = value;
else if ( FMCIsIE55() || (winNode.document.compatMode && winNode.document.compatMode == "BackCompat") )
winNode.document.body.scrollLeft = value;
else if ( winNode.document.documentElement )
winNode.document.documentElement.scrollLeft = value;
function FMCGetClientX( winNode, e )
var clientX;
if ( typeof( e.pageX ) != "undefined" )
clientX = e.pageX - FMCGetScrollLeft( winNode );
else if ( typeof( e.clientX ) != "undefined" )
clientX = e.clientX;
return clientX;
function FMCGetClientY( winNode, e )
var clientY;
if ( typeof( e.pageY ) != "undefined" )
clientY = e.pageY - FMCGetScrollTop( winNode );
else if ( typeof( e.clientY ) != "undefined" )
clientY = e.clientY;
return clientY;
function FMCGetPageX( winNode, e )
var pageX;
if ( typeof( e.pageX ) != "undefined" )
pageX = e.pageX;
else if ( typeof( e.clientX ) != "undefined" )
pageX = e.clientX + FMCGetScrollLeft( winNode );
return pageX;
function FMCGetPageY( winNode, e )
var pageY;
if ( typeof( e.pageY ) != "undefined" )
pageY = e.pageY;
else if ( typeof( e.clientY ) != "undefined" )
pageY = e.clientY + FMCGetScrollTop( winNode );
return pageY;
function FMCGetMouseXRelativeTo( winNode, e, el )
var mouseX = FMCGetPageX( winNode, e, el );
var elX = FMCGetPosition( el )[1];
var x = mouseX - elX;
return x;
function FMCGetMouseYRelativeTo( winNode, e, el )
var mouseY = FMCGetPageY( winNode, e, el );
var elY = FMCGetPosition( el )[0];
var y = mouseY - elY;
return y;
function FMCGetPosition( node )
var topPos = 0;
var leftPos = 0;
if ( node.offsetParent )
topPos = node.offsetTop;
leftPos = node.offsetLeft;
while ( node = node.offsetParent )
topPos += node.offsetTop;
leftPos += node.offsetLeft;
return [topPos, leftPos];
function FMCScrollToVisible( win, node )
var offset = 0;
if ( typeof( window.innerWidth ) != "undefined" && !FMCIsSafari() )
offset = 19;
var scrollTop = FMCGetScrollTop( win );
var scrollBottom = scrollTop + FMCGetClientHeight( win, false ) - offset;
var scrollLeft = FMCGetScrollLeft( win );
var scrollRight = scrollLeft + FMCGetClientWidth( win, false ) - offset;
var nodePos = FMCGetPosition( node );
var nodeTop = nodePos[0];
var nodeLeft = parseInt( node.style.textIndent ) + nodePos[1];
var nodeHeight = node.offsetHeight;
var nodeWidth = node.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[0].offsetWidth;
if ( nodeTop < scrollTop )
FMCSetScrollTop( win, nodeTop );
else if ( nodeTop + nodeHeight > scrollBottom )
FMCSetScrollTop( win, Math.min( nodeTop, nodeTop + nodeHeight - FMCGetClientHeight( win, false ) + offset ) );
if ( nodeLeft < scrollLeft )
FMCSetScrollLeft( win, nodeLeft );
else if ( nodeLeft + nodeWidth > scrollRight )
FMCSetScrollLeft( win, Math.min( nodeLeft, nodeLeft + nodeWidth - FMCGetClientWidth( win, false ) + offset ) );
function FMCGetComputedStyle( node, style )
var value = null;
if ( node.currentStyle )
value = node.currentStyle[style];
else if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle )
var computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( node, null );
if ( computedStyle )
value = computedStyle[style];
return value;
function FMCConvertToPx( doc, str, dimension, defaultValue )
if ( !str || str.charAt( 0 ) == "-" )
return defaultValue;
if ( str.charAt( str.length - 1 ) == "\%" )
switch (dimension)
case "Width":
return parseInt( str ) * screen.width / 100;
case "Height":
return parseInt( str ) * screen.height / 100;
if ( parseInt( str ).toString() == str )
str += "px";
var div = doc.createElement( "div" );
catch ( err )
return defaultValue;
doc.body.appendChild( div );
var value = defaultValue;
div.style.width = str;
if ( div.currentStyle )
value = div.offsetWidth;
else if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle )
value = parseInt( FMCGetComputedStyle( div, "width" ) );
catch ( err )
doc.body.removeChild( div );
return value;
function FMCGetOpacity( el )
var opacity = 0;
if ( el.filters )
opacity = parseInt( el.style.filter.substring( 17, el.style.filter.length - 2 ) );
else if ( el.style.MozOpacity != null )
opacity = parseFloat( el.style.MozOpacity ) * 100;
return opacity;
function FMCSetOpacity( el, opacityPercent )
if ( el.filters )
el.style.filter = "alpha( opacity = " + opacityPercent + " )";
else if ( el.style.MozOpacity != null )
el.style.MozOpacity = opacityPercent / 100;
function FMCToggleDisplay( el )
if ( el.style.display == "none" )
el.style.display = "";
el.style.display = "none";
function FMCIsChildNode( childNode, parentNode )
var doc = parentNode.ownerDocument;
if ( childNode == null )
return null;
for ( var currNode = childNode; ; currNode = currNode.parentNode )
if ( currNode == parentNode )
return true;
if ( currNode == doc.body )
return false;
function FMCStripCssUrl( url )
if ( !url )
return null;
var regex = /url\(\s*(['\"]?)([^'\"\s]*)\1\s*\)/;
var match = regex.exec( url );
if ( match )
return match[2];
return null;
function FMCCreateCssUrl( path )
return "url(\"" + path + "\")";
function FMCGetPropertyValue( propertyNode, defaultValue )
var propValue = defaultValue;
var valueNode = propertyNode.firstChild;
if ( valueNode )
propValue = valueNode.nodeValue;
return propValue;
function FMCParseInt( str, defaultValue )
var num = parseInt( str );
if ( num.toString() == "NaN" )
num = defaultValue;
return num;
function FMCConvertBorderToPx( doc, value )
var newValue = "";
var valueParts = value.split( " " );
for ( var i = 0; i < valueParts.length; i++ )
var currPart = valueParts[i];
if ( i == 1 )
currPart = FMCConvertToPx( doc, currPart, null, currPart );
if ( parseInt( currPart ).toString() == currPart )
currPart += "px";
newValue += (((i > 0) ? " " : "") + currPart);
return newValue;
function FMCUnhide( win, node )
for ( var currNode = node.parentNode; currNode.nodeName != "BODY"; currNode = currNode.parentNode )
if ( currNode.style.display == "none" )
var classRoot = FMCContainsClassRoot( currNode.className, "MCExpandingBody", "MCDropDownBody", "MCTextPopupBody" );
if ( classRoot == "MCExpandingBody" )
win.FMCExpand( currNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")[0] );
else if ( classRoot == "MCDropDownBody" )
var dropDownBodyID = currNode.id.substring( "MCDropDownBody".length + 1, currNode.id.length );
var aNodes = currNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName( "a" );
for ( var i = 0; i < aNodes.length; i++ )
var aNode = aNodes[i];
if ( aNode.id.substring( "MCDropDownHotSpot".length + 1, aNode.id.length ) == dropDownBodyID )
win.FMCDropDown( aNode );
else if ( FMCGetMCAttribute( currNode, "MadCap:targetName" ) )
var targetName = FMCGetMCAttribute( currNode, "MadCap:targetName" );
var togglerNodes = FMCGetElementsByClassRoot( win.document.body, "MCToggler" );
for ( var i = 0; i < togglerNodes.length; i++ )
var targets = FMCGetMCAttribute( togglerNodes[i], "MadCap:targets" ).split( ";" );
var found = false;
for ( var j = 0; j < targets.length; j++ )
if ( targets[j] == targetName )
found = true;
if ( !found )
win.FMCToggler( togglerNodes[i] );
else if ( classRoot == "MCTextPopupBody" )
currNode.style.display = "";
function StartLoading( win, parentElement, loadingLabel, loadingAltText, fadeElement )
if ( !win.MCLoadingCount )
win.MCLoadingCount = 0;
if ( win.MCLoadingCount > 1 )
if ( fadeElement )
// IE bug: This causes the tab outline not to show and also causes the TOC entry fonts to look bold.
// if ( fadeElement.filters )
// {
// fadeElement.style.filter = "alpha( opacity = 10 )";
// }
/*else*/ if ( fadeElement.style.MozOpacity != null )
fadeElement.style.MozOpacity = "0.1";
var span = win.document.createElement( "span" );
var img = win.document.createElement( "img" );
var midPointX = FMCGetScrollLeft( win ) + FMCGetClientWidth( win, false ) / 2;
var spacing = 3;
parentElement.appendChild( span );
span.id = "LoadingText";
span.appendChild( win.document.createTextNode( loadingLabel ) );
span.style.fontFamily = "Tahoma, Sans-Serif";
span.style.fontSize = "9px";
span.style.fontWeight = "bold";
span.style.position = "absolute";
span.style.left = (midPointX - (span.offsetWidth / 2)) + "px";
var rootFrame = FMCGetRootFrame();
img.id = "LoadingImage";
img.src = rootFrame.gRootFolder + MCGlobals.SkinTemplateFolder + "Images/Loading.gif";
img.alt = loadingAltText;
img.style.width = "70px";
img.style.height = "13px";
img.style.position = "absolute";
img.style.left = (midPointX - (70/2)) + "px";
var totalHeight = span.offsetHeight + spacing + parseInt( img.style.height );
var spanTop = (FMCGetScrollTop( win ) + (FMCGetClientHeight( win, false ) - totalHeight)) / 2;
span.style.top = spanTop + "px";
img.style.top = spanTop + span.offsetHeight + spacing + "px";
parentElement.appendChild( img );
function EndLoading( win, fadeElement )
if ( win.MCLoadingCount > 0 )
var span = win.document.getElementById( "LoadingText" );
var img = win.document.getElementById( "LoadingImage" );
span.parentNode.removeChild( span );
img.parentNode.removeChild( img );
if ( fadeElement )
// IE bug: This causes the tab outline not to show and also causes the TOC entry fonts to look bold.
// if ( fadeElement.filters )
// {
// fadeElement.style.filter = "alpha( opacity = 100 )";
// }
/*else*/ if ( fadeElement.style.MozOpacity != null )
fadeElement.style.MozOpacity = "1.0";
var gCallbacks = new Array();
var gCallbackArgs = new Array();
var MCEventType = new Object();
MCEventType.OnLoad = 0;
MCEventType.OnInit = 1;
MCEventType.OnReady = 2;
function FMCRegisterCallback( frameName, eventType, CallbackFunc, callbackArgs )
var numCallbacks = gCallbacks.length;
var funcName = "FMCCheck" + frameName;
switch ( eventType )
case MCEventType.OnLoad:
funcName = funcName + "Loaded";
case MCEventType.OnInit:
funcName = funcName + "Initialized";
case MCEventType.OnReady:
funcName = funcName + "Ready";
gCallbacks[numCallbacks] = CallbackFunc;
gCallbackArgs[numCallbacks] = callbackArgs;
setTimeout( funcName + "( " + numCallbacks + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckMCGlobalsInitialized( index )
if ( MCGlobals.Initialized )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckMCGlobalsInitialized( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckRootReady( index )
if ( MCGlobals.RootFrame.gReady )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckRootReady( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckRootLoaded( index )
if ( MCGlobals.RootFrame.gLoaded )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckRootLoaded( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckTOCInitialized( index )
if ( MCGlobals.NavigationFrame.frames["toc"].gInit )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckTOCInitialized( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckSearchInitialized( index )
if ( MCGlobals.NavigationFrame.frames["search"].gInit )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckSearchInitialized( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckTopicCommentsLoaded( index )
if ( MCGlobals.TopicCommentsFrame.gLoaded )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckTopicCommentsLoaded( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckTopicCommentsInitialized( index )
if ( MCGlobals.TopicCommentsFrame.gInit )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckTopicCommentsInitialized( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckBodyCommentsLoaded( index )
if ( MCGlobals.BodyCommentsFrame.gLoaded )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckBodyCommentsLoaded( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckBodyCommentsInitialized( index )
if ( MCGlobals.BodyCommentsFrame.gInit )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckBodyCommentsInitialized( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckToolbarInitialized( index )
if ( MCGlobals.ToolbarFrame.gInit )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckToolbarInitialized( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckNavigationReady( index )
if ( MCGlobals.NavigationFrame.gReady )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckNavigationReady( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckNavigationLoaded( index )
if ( MCGlobals.NavigationFrame.gLoaded )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckNavigationLoaded( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckBodyReady( index )
if ( typeof( MCGlobals.BodyFrame.gReady ) == "undefined" || MCGlobals.BodyFrame.gReady )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckBodyReady( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckBodyLoaded( index )
if ( MCGlobals.BodyFrame.gLoaded )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckBodyLoaded( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCCheckPersistenceInitialized( index )
if ( MCGlobals.PersistenceFrame.gInit )
gCallbacks[index]( gCallbackArgs[index] );
setTimeout( "FMCCheckPersistenceInitialized( " + index + " );", 1 );
function FMCSortStringArray( stringArray )
stringArray.sort( FMCCompareStrings );
function FMCCompareStrings( a, b )
var ret;
if ( a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() )
ret = -1;
else if ( a.toLowerCase() == b.toLowerCase() )
ret = 0;
else if ( a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() )
ret = 1;
return ret;
function FMCSetCookie( name, value, days )
if ( window != MCGlobals.NavigationFrame )
MCGlobals.NavigationFrame.FMCSetCookie( name, value, days );
value = encodeURI( value );
if ( days )
var date = new Date();
date.setTime( date.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * days) );
var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
var expires = "";
var rootFrame = FMCGetRootFrame();
var navFrame = rootFrame.frames["navigation"];
var path = FMCGetPathnameFolder( navFrame.document.location );
//navFrame.document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + ";" + " path=" + path + ";";
navFrame.document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + ";";
function FMCReadCookie( name )
var value = null;
var nameEq = name + "=";
var rootFrame = FMCGetRootFrame();
var navFrame = rootFrame.frames["navigation"];
var cookies = navFrame.document.cookie.split( ";" );
for ( var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++ )
var cookie = cookies[i];
cookie = FMCTrim( cookie );
if ( cookie.indexOf( nameEq ) == 0 )
value = cookie.substring( nameEq.length, cookie.length );
value = decodeURI( value );
return value;
function FMCRemoveCookie( name )
FMCSetCookie( name, "", -1 );
function FMCLoadUserData( name )
var persistFrame = MCGlobals.PersistenceFrame;
var persistDiv = persistFrame.document.getElementById( "Persist" );
persistDiv.load( "MCXMLStore" );
var value = persistDiv.getAttribute( name );
return value;
function FMCSaveUserData( name, value )
var persistFrame = MCGlobals.PersistenceFrame;
var persistDiv = persistFrame.document.getElementById( "Persist" );
persistDiv.setAttribute( name, value );
persistDiv.save( "MCXMLStore" );
function FMCRemoveUserData( name )
var persistFrame = MCGlobals.PersistenceFrame;
var persistDiv = persistFrame.document.getElementById( "Persist" );
persistDiv.removeAttribute( name );
persistDiv.save( "MCXMLStore" );
function FMCInsertOpacitySheet( winNode, color )
var div = winNode.document.createElement( "div" );
var style = div.style;
div.id = "MCOpacitySheet";
style.position = "absolute";
style.top = FMCGetScrollTop( winNode ) + "px";
style.left = FMCGetScrollLeft( winNode ) + "px";
style.width = FMCGetClientWidth( winNode, false ) + "px";
style.height = FMCGetClientHeight( winNode, false ) + "px";
style.backgroundColor = color;
style.zIndex = "100";
winNode.document.body.appendChild( div );
FMCSetOpacity( div, 75 );
function FMCRemoveOpacitySheet( winNode )
var div = winNode.document.getElementById( "MCOpacitySheet" );
if ( !div )
div.parentNode.removeChild( div );
function FMCSetupButtonFromStylesheet( tr, styleName, styleClassName, defaultOutPath, defaultOverPath, defaultSelectedPath, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, defaultTooltip, defaultLabel, OnClickHandler )
var td = document.createElement( "td" );
var outImagePath = CMCFlareStylesheet.LookupValue( styleName, styleClassName, "Icon", null );
var overImagePath = CMCFlareStylesheet.LookupValue( styleName, styleClassName, "HoverIcon", null );
var selectedImagePath = CMCFlareStylesheet.LookupValue( styleName, styleClassName, "PressedIcon", null );
if ( outImagePath == null )
outImagePath = defaultOutPath;
outImagePath = FMCStripCssUrl( outImagePath );
outImagePath = MCGlobals.RootFolder + FMCGetSkinFolder() + outImagePath;
if ( overImagePath == null )
overImagePath = defaultOverPath;
overImagePath = FMCStripCssUrl( overImagePath );
overImagePath = MCGlobals.RootFolder + FMCGetSkinFolder() + overImagePath;
if ( selectedImagePath == null )
selectedImagePath = defaultSelectedPath;
selectedImagePath = FMCStripCssUrl( selectedImagePath );
selectedImagePath = MCGlobals.RootFolder + FMCGetSkinFolder() + selectedImagePath;
tr.appendChild( td );
var title = CMCFlareStylesheet.LookupValue( styleName, styleClassName, "Tooltip", defaultTooltip );
var label = CMCFlareStylesheet.LookupValue( styleName, styleClassName, "Label", defaultLabel );
var width = CMCFlareStylesheet.GetResourceProperty( outImagePath, "Width", defaultWidth );
var height = CMCFlareStylesheet.GetResourceProperty( outImagePath, "Height", defaultHeight );
MakeButton( td, title, outImagePath, overImagePath, selectedImagePath, width, height, label );
td.firstChild.onclick = OnClickHandler;
// End helper functions
// Class CMCXmlParser
function CMCXmlParser( args, LoadFunc )
// Private member variables and functions
var mSelf = this;
this.mXmlDoc = null;
this.mXmlHttp = null;
this.mArgs = args;
this.mLoadFunc = LoadFunc;
this.OnreadystatechangeLocal = function()
if ( mSelf.mXmlDoc.readyState == 4 )
mSelf.mLoadFunc( mSelf.mXmlDoc, mSelf.mArgs );
this.OnreadystatechangeRemote = function()
if ( mSelf.mXmlHttp.readyState == 4 )
mSelf.mLoadFunc( mSelf.mXmlHttp.responseXML, mSelf.mArgs );
CMCXmlParser.prototype.LoadLocal = function( xmlFile, async )
if ( window.ActiveXObject )
this.mXmlDoc = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
this.mXmlDoc.async = async;
if ( this.mLoadFunc )
this.mXmlDoc.onreadystatechange = this.OnreadystatechangeLocal;
if ( !this.mXmlDoc.load( xmlFile ) )
this.mXmlDoc = null;
catch ( err )
this.mXmlDoc = null;
else if ( window.XMLHttpRequest )
this.LoadRemote( xmlFile, async ); // window.XMLHttpRequest also works on local files
return this.mXmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.prototype.LoadRemote = function( xmlFile, async )
if ( window.ActiveXObject )
this.mXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject( "Msxml2.XMLHTTP" );
else if ( window.XMLHttpRequest )
xmlFile = xmlFile.replace( /;/g, "%3B" ); // For Safari
this.mXmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if ( this.mLoadFunc )
this.mXmlHttp.onreadystatechange = this.OnreadystatechangeRemote;
this.mXmlHttp.open( "GET", xmlFile, async );
this.mXmlHttp.send( null );
catch ( err )
if ( !async && (this.mXmlHttp.status == 0 || this.mXmlHttp.status == 200) )
this.mXmlDoc = this.mXmlHttp.responseXML;
return this.mXmlDoc;
// Public member functions
CMCXmlParser.prototype.Load = function( xmlFile, async )
var xmlDoc = null;
var protocolType = document.location.protocol;
if ( protocolType == "file:" || protocolType == "mk:" )
xmlDoc = this.LoadLocal( xmlFile, async );
else if ( protocolType == "http:" || protocolType == "https:" )
xmlDoc = this.LoadRemote( xmlFile, async );
return xmlDoc;
// Static member functions
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc = function( xmlFile, async, LoadFunc, args )
var xmlParser = new CMCXmlParser( args, LoadFunc );
var xmlDoc = xmlParser.Load( xmlFile, async );
return xmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.LoadXmlString = function( xmlString )
var xmlDoc = null;
if ( window.ActiveXObject )
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
xmlDoc.async = false;
xmlDoc.loadXML( xmlString );
else if ( DOMParser )
var parser = new DOMParser();
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString( xmlString, "text/xml" );
return xmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.CallWebService = function( webServiceUrl, async, onCompleteFunc, onCompleteArgs )
var xmlParser = new CMCXmlParser( onCompleteArgs, onCompleteFunc );
var xmlDoc = xmlParser.LoadRemote( webServiceUrl, async );
return xmlDoc;
// End class CMCXmlParser
// Class CMCFlareStylesheet
var CMCFlareStylesheet = new function()
// Private member variables
var mInitialized = false;
var mXmlDoc = null;
var mInitializedResources = false;
var mResourceMap = null;
// Private methods
function Init()
mXmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc( MCGlobals.RootFolder + FMCGetSkinFolder() + "Stylesheet.xml", false, null, null );
mInitialized = true;
function InitializeResources()
mInitializedResources = true;
mResourceMap = new CMCDictionary();
var styleDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc( MCGlobals.RootFolder + FMCGetSkinFolder() + "Stylesheet.xml", false, null, null );
var resourcesInfos = styleDoc.getElementsByTagName( "ResourcesInfo" );
if ( resourcesInfos.length > 0 )
var resources = resourcesInfos[0].getElementsByTagName( "Resource" );
for ( var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++ )
var resource = resources[i];
var properties = new CMCDictionary();
var name = resource.getAttribute( "Name" );
if ( !name ) { continue; }
for ( var j = 0; j < resource.attributes.length; j++ )
var attribute = resource.attributes[j];
properties.Add( attribute.nodeName.toLowerCase(), attribute.nodeValue.toLowerCase() );
mResourceMap.Add( name, properties );
// Public methods
this.LookupValue = function( styleName, styleClassName, propertyName, defaultValue )
if ( !mInitialized )
if ( mXmlDoc == null )
return defaultValue;
var value = defaultValue;
var styleNodes = mXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Style" );
var styleNodesLength = styleNodes.length;
var styleNode = null;
for ( var i = 0; i < styleNodesLength; i++ )
if ( styleNodes[i].getAttribute( "Name" ) == styleName )
styleNode = styleNodes[i];
if ( styleNode == null )
return value;
var styleClassNodes = styleNode.getElementsByTagName( "StyleClass" );
var styleClassNodesLength = styleClassNodes.length;
var styleClassNode = null;
for ( var i = 0; i < styleClassNodesLength; i++ )
if ( styleClassNodes[i].getAttribute( "Name" ) == styleClassName )
styleClassNode = styleClassNodes[i];
if ( styleClassNode == null )
return value;
var propertyNodes = styleClassNode.getElementsByTagName( "Property" );
var propertyNodesLength = propertyNodes.length;
var propertyNode = null;
for ( var i = 0; i < propertyNodesLength; i++ )
if ( propertyNodes[i].getAttribute( "Name" ) == propertyName )
propertyNode = propertyNodes[i];
if ( propertyNode == null )
return value;
value = propertyNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
value = FMCTrim( value );
return value;
this.GetResourceProperty = function( name, property, defaultValue )
if ( !mInitialized )
if ( mXmlDoc == null )
return defaultValue;
if ( !mInitializedResources )
var properties = mResourceMap.GetItem( name );
if ( !properties )
return defaultValue;
var propValue = properties.GetItem( property.toLowerCase() );
if ( !propValue )
return defaultValue;
return propValue;
this.SetImageFromStylesheet = function( img, styleName, styleClassName, propertyName, defaultValue, defaultWidth, defaultHeight )
var value = this.LookupValue( styleName, styleClassName, propertyName, null );
var imgSrc = null;
if ( value == null )
value = defaultValue;
imgSrc = value;
value = FMCStripCssUrl( value );
value = decodeURIComponent( value );
value = escape( value );
imgSrc = MCGlobals.RootFolder + FMCGetSkinFolder() + value;
img.src = imgSrc;
img.style.width = this.GetResourceProperty( value, "Width", defaultWidth ) + "px";
img.style.height = this.GetResourceProperty( value, "Height", defaultHeight ) + "px";
// End class CMCFlareStylesheet
// Class CMCDictionary
function CMCDictionary()
// Public properties
this.mMap = new Array();
this.mKeys = new Array();
CMCDictionary.prototype.GetItem = function( key )
var item = this.mMap["_" + key];
if ( typeof( item ) == "undefined" )
item = null;
return item;
CMCDictionary.prototype.GetKeys = function()
return this.mKeys;
CMCDictionary.prototype.Remove = function( key )
delete( this.mMap["_" + key] );
delete( this.mKeys[key] );
CMCDictionary.prototype.Add = function( key, value )
this.mMap["_" + key] = value;
this.mKeys[key] = true;
CMCDictionary.prototype.AddUnique = function( key, value )
var savedValue = this.mKeys[key];
if ( typeof( savedValue ) == "undefined" || !savedValue )
this.Add( key, value );
// End class CMCDictionary
// DOM traversal functions
function FMCGetElementsByClassRoot( node, classRoot )
var nodes = new Array();
var args = new Array();
args[0] = nodes;
args[1] = classRoot;
FMCTraverseDOM( "post", node, FMCGetByClassRoot, args );
return nodes;
function FMCGetByClassRoot( node, args )
var nodes = args[0];
var classRoot = args[1];
if ( node.nodeType == 1 && FMCContainsClassRoot( node.className, classRoot ) )
nodes[nodes.length] = node;
function FMCGetElementsByAttribute( node, attribute, value )
var nodes = new Array();
var args = new Array();
args[0] = nodes;
args[1] = attribute;
args[2] = value;
FMCTraverseDOM( "post", node, FMCGetByAttribute, args );
return nodes;
function FMCGetByAttribute( node, args )
var nodes = args[0];
var attribute = args[1];
var value = args[2];
if ( node.nodeType == 1 && (FMCGetMCAttribute( node, attribute ) == value || (value == "*" && FMCGetMCAttribute( node, attribute ))) )
nodes[nodes.length] = node;
catch( err )
node.setAttribute( attribute, null );
function FMCTraverseDOM( type, root, Func, args )
if ( type == "pre" )
Func( root, args );
if ( root.childNodes.length != 0 )
for ( var i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; i++ )
FMCTraverseDOM( type, root.childNodes[i], Func, args );
if ( type == "post" )
Func( root, args );
// End DOM traversal functions
// Button effects
var gButton = null;
var gTabIndex = 1;
function MakeButton( td, title, outImagePath, overImagePath, selectedImagePath, width, height, text )
var div = document.createElement( "div" );
div.tabIndex = gTabIndex++;
title ? div.title = title : false;
div.setAttribute( "MadCap:outImage", outImagePath );
div.setAttribute( "MadCap:overImage", overImagePath );
div.setAttribute( "MadCap:selectedImage", selectedImagePath );
div.setAttribute( "MadCap:width", width );
div.setAttribute( "MadCap:height", height );
FMCPreloadImage( outImagePath );
FMCPreloadImage( overImagePath );
FMCPreloadImage( selectedImagePath );
div.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
td.appendChild( div );
InitButton( div );
function InitButton( button )
var width = parseInt( FMCGetMCAttribute( button, "MadCap:width" ) ) + "px";
var height = parseInt( FMCGetMCAttribute( button, "MadCap:height" ) ) + "px";
var image = FMCGetMCAttribute( button, "MadCap:outImage" );
if ( image != null )
if ( !image.StartsWith( "url", false ) || !image.EndsWith( ")", false ) )
image = FMCCreateCssUrl( image );
button.style.backgroundImage = image;
button.style.cursor = "default";
button.style.width = width;
button.style.height = height;
button.onmouseover = ButtonOnOver;
button.onmouseout = ButtonOnOut;
button.onmousedown = ButtonOnDown;
button.parentNode.style.width = width;
button.parentNode.style.height = height;
function ButtonOnOver()
var image = FMCGetMCAttribute( this, "MadCap:overImage" );
if ( !image.StartsWith( "url", false ) || !image.EndsWith( ")", false ) )
image = FMCCreateCssUrl( image );
this.style.backgroundImage = image;
function ButtonOnOut()
var image = FMCGetMCAttribute( this, "MadCap:outImage" );
if ( !image.StartsWith( "url", false ) || !image.EndsWith( ")", false ) )
image = FMCCreateCssUrl( image );
this.style.backgroundImage = image;
function ButtonOnDown()
StartPress( this ); return false;
function StartPress( node )
// Debug
//window.status += "s";
gButton = node;
if ( document.body.setCapture )
document.body.onmousemove = Press;
document.body.onmouseup = EndPress;
else if ( document.addEventListener )
document.addEventListener( "mousemove", Press, true );
document.addEventListener( "mouseup", EndPress, true );
gButton.style.backgroundImage = FMCCreateCssUrl( FMCGetMCAttribute( gButton, "MadCap:selectedImage" ) );
gButton.onmouseover = function() { this.style.backgroundImage = FMCCreateCssUrl( FMCGetMCAttribute( this, "MadCap:selectedImage" ) ); };
function Press( e )
// Debug
//window.status += "p";
if ( !e )
e = window.event;
target = e.srcElement;
else if ( e.target )
target = e.target;
if ( target == gButton )
gButton.style.backgroundImage = FMCCreateCssUrl( FMCGetMCAttribute( gButton, "MadCap:selectedImage" ) );
gButton.style.backgroundImage = FMCCreateCssUrl( FMCGetMCAttribute( gButton, "MadCap:outImage" ) );
function EndPress( e )
// Debug
//window.status += "e";
var target = null;
if ( !e )
e = window.event;
target = e.srcElement;
else if ( e.target )
target = e.target;
if ( target == gButton )
// Debug
//window.status += "c";
gButton.style.backgroundImage = FMCCreateCssUrl( FMCGetMCAttribute( gButton, "MadCap:overImage" ) );
gButton.onmouseover = function() { this.style.backgroundImage = FMCCreateCssUrl( FMCGetMCAttribute( this, "MadCap:overImage" ) ); };
if ( document.body.releaseCapture )
document.body.onmousemove = null;
document.body.onmouseup = null;
else if ( document.removeEventListener )
document.removeEventListener( "mousemove", Press, true );
document.removeEventListener( "mouseup", EndPress, true );
gButton = null;
// End button effects
// String helpers
String.prototype.IsNullOrEmpty = function()
if ( this == null )
return true;
if ( this.length == 0 )
return true;
return false;
String.prototype.StartsWith = function( str, caseSensitive )
if ( str == null )
return false;
if ( this.length < str.length )
return false;
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
if ( value1.substring( 0, value2.length ) == value2 )
return true;
return false;
String.prototype.EndsWith = function( str, caseSensitive )
if ( str == null )
return false;
if ( this.length < str.length )
return false;
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
if ( value1.substring( value1.length - value2.length ) == value2 )
return true;
return false;
String.prototype.Contains = function( str, caseSensitive )
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
return value1.indexOf( value2 ) != -1;
String.prototype.Equals = function( str, caseSensitive )
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
return value1 == value2;
String.prototype.CountOf = function( str, caseSensitive )
var count = 0;
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
var lastIndex = -1;
while ( true )
lastIndex = this.indexOf( str, lastIndex + 1 );
if ( lastIndex == -1 )
return count;
// End String helpers